James Cossar
The RED program is designed to be an immensely rewarding academic and cross-cultural educational experience which gives kids the opportunity to engage in the principles of scientific inquiry and discovery while helping to build their discussion and critical thinking skills in an English-speaking environment. Developing confidence in using English is the ultimate goal for the students. Having fun learning about science in an English-speaking environment is a path to achieving that goal. We know as educators that students learn better when they are taking an active role in the classroom and in the discussion. This is what the RED program is all about.
The RED program is designed to be an immensely rewarding academic and cross-cultural educational experience which gives kids the opportunity to engage in the principles of scientific inquiry and discovery while helping to build their discussion and critical thinking skills in an English-speaking environment. Developing confidence in using English is the ultimate goal for the students. Having fun learning about science in an English-speaking environment is a path to achieving that goal. We know as educators that students learn better when they are taking an active role in the classroom and in the discussion. This is what the RED program is all about.
Dat Thanh Vo
The Musashi RED program presents a unique opportunity for junior high school and high school students to learn science in an English-speaking environment. Students joining the program will learn to think actively about various scientific issues from different perspectives, conduct their research, and communicate their findings to peers. The ultimate goal is to help students cultivate necessary scientific skills and confidence in English communication to give them an advantage for their future endeavors.
The Musashi RED program presents a unique opportunity for junior high school and high school students to learn science in an English-speaking environment. Students joining the program will learn to think actively about various scientific issues from different perspectives, conduct their research, and communicate their findings to peers. The ultimate goal is to help students cultivate necessary scientific skills and confidence in English communication to give them an advantage for their future endeavors.
根津 公一 / 学校法人根津育英会武蔵学園 理事長
池田 康夫 / 学校法人根津育英会武蔵学園 学園長
武蔵学園は、建学の三理想『1. 東西文化融合の我が民族理想を遂行し得べき人物、2. 世界に雄飛するにたえる人物、3. 自ら調べ自ら考える力のある人物、を育成すること』に基づいた教育が今日まで行われきており、多くの有為な人材を輩出してきました。
急激に進む国際化時代において、グローバルな視点で物を考え、政治、経済、科学などそれぞれの分野において、海外の人々と十分にコミュニケーションを取ることができ、世界のリーダーとなって活躍できる人材を育成することが今、強く求められています。この目標を達成する第一歩として、中高生を対象に「英語で科学を学ぶ」イマージョン教育としてRED ( Research, Essay writing, Discussion ) プログラムを開設しました。科学のいろいろなテーマについて、自ら「調べ」、「考え」、「論文にまとめる力」を養うと同時に、世界共通言語である英語も習得できるようになるプログラムです。
急激に進む国際化時代において、グローバルな視点で物を考え、政治、経済、科学などそれぞれの分野において、海外の人々と十分にコミュニケーションを取ることができ、世界のリーダーとなって活躍できる人材を育成することが今、強く求められています。この目標を達成する第一歩として、中高生を対象に「英語で科学を学ぶ」イマージョン教育としてRED ( Research, Essay writing, Discussion ) プログラムを開設しました。科学のいろいろなテーマについて、自ら「調べ」、「考え」、「論文にまとめる力」を養うと同時に、世界共通言語である英語も習得できるようになるプログラムです。